Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Day 1 Activity 1 SLJ

Foods that we will need
1.  Flour (make bread)
2.  Tinned peaches (has vitamin C) And a tin opener
3.  Fresh water (so I don't dehydrate)
4.  Cheese (to put in the bread)
5.  Tinned spaghetti (Its a quick meal)
6.  Bananas (gives you energy and has vitamin C)
7.  Crackers (lasts 3 weeks)
8.  Candy canes (they last long and has sugar for energy)
9.  Meat patty (for my bread)
10.  Honey (has energy)


  1. Hi Lewie
    Great work on this post. Hope you keep up the SLJ over the holidays.
    Keep up the great work

  2. Hey Lewis!

    Nice work on this post! I can see you were thinking very carefully about the foods you would bring. Nice work! I think that bringing tinned peaches, tinned spaghetti, and crackers is such a good idea. They would last for such a long time and give you heaps of energy! I also really love how you were thinking about the vitamins the foods would be giving you! Vitamin C is so important in keeping us healthy. Good thinking. It was also a clever idea to bring fresh water! You would definitely get dehydrated without it. Plus I don’t think that drinking sea water for three weeks would be very good for you :P

    I love your idea to bring cheese and meat patties! They would be so yummy to have with you. I wonder how you would stop them from going off by getting too hot. You wouldn’t have a fridge or freezer but I wonder if there is something else you could bring or invent?

    Awesome work finishing this activity! You’ve done a good job! I’m looking forward to reading more posts you do this summer!

    Matilda :)

  3. Hey Lewie!

    It’s Matilda from the Summer Learning Journey. You made such a good start to the Summer Learning Journey but I haven’t seen any posts from you in a while! It would be really cool to see you come back and do a few more activities! Remember you don’t have to do the activities in order! You can have a look through them all and decide which ones you like the look of!

    I’m hoping to see some posts from you soon!

    Matilda :)

  4. Hi Lewie

    You have some yummy food on your list my favourite would have to be the honey what would you most like on the list?

    Keep up the good work

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